Screening: New Visions

Tekla Aslanishvili og Basim Magdy

F Ilmvisning NV13 mai

As part of the side program of New Visions, we show films by the artists Tekla Aslanishvili and Basim Magdy.

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On the same day, we will be showing Nour Sokhons performance Revisiting: Resisting Turbulence, a commisioned work for New Visions. See information about different ticket types in the ticket link. Entrance to the exhibition is included in the tickets.

Tekla Aslanishvili was born in 1988 in Tbilisi, Georgia and lives in Berlin, Germany and in Tbilisi. In the exhibition, she shows the work Stone of Hell, 2021, made in collaboration with Giorgi Gago Gagoshidze. On Saturday 13 May we will show the film A State in a State, 2022, in the Auditorium.

Basim Magdy was born in 1977 in Asyut, Egypt and lives in Basel, Switzerland. In the exhibition, he shows the works Someone Tried to Lock Up Time (Clouds are Dreams) 2018, Someone Tried to Lock Up Time (Modern History) 2023 and Someone Tried to Lock Up Time (History of the Stars) 2023. On Saturday 13 May we will show the film FEARDEATHLOVEDEATH, 2022, in the Auditorium


On the same day, we show Nour Sokhon's performance Revisiting: Resisting Turbulence, a commissioned work for New Visions. See the ticket link for more information and note that there are two different ticket types.