Nour Sokhon

Revisiting: Resisting Turbulence

Nour2 photo Omar Gabriel72dpi

Photo: Omar Gabriel

Premiere of Lebanese Nour Sokhon's audiovisual work Revisiting: Resisting Turbulence.

Date Place

On the same day, there will be a film screening with contributions from several of the artists featured in New Visions. See information about different ticket types in the ticket link. Entrance to the exhibition is included in the tickets.

Revisiting: Resisting Turbulence is an audiovisual concert commissioned by Henie Onstad that serves to extend Sokhon’s previous piece Resisting Turbulence into a live intimate shared journey with an audience. The work uses a selection of Myriam Bolous’s images from What’s Ours as a score to build the auditory landscape of the performance.

The initial project began in 2019, with both artists conducting a series of interviews arbitrarily as they were walking across the streets of their city, their home, Beirut. In a matter of just a few days after the interviews had been recorded, the Lebanese revolution began. As carriers of intergenerational post war trauma, both artists are fuelled by the notion of infinite possibilities for a reawakening to take place in a city that is burdened by a constant state of restlessness. The interviewees that willingly shared their personal narratives with meticulous detail shone light upon people's desire to be heard.

Resisting Turbulence
morphed into a timeline of people’s state of paralysis before the revolution and awakening after it began. Revisiting: Resisting Turbulence stretches the timeline further as it questions the state of the country after its recent upheavals, being the economic collapse and the Beirut 2020 Port Blast.

NOTE: this day there will also be a showing of several films by artists whose works are in the exhibition - see the ticket link for more information.