Norsk dokumentarfotografi
Installation shot: Øystein Thorvaldsen / Henie Onstad Archive
Freedom of speech and the socially engaged photograph in the intersection of art and documentary are the focus of this comprehensive exhibition.
During the past years Norwegian documentary photography has increased its position in local communities as well as internationally. This exhibition presents 35 Norwegian photographers who work in the span between the press and art photography and are part of the environment around the Norwegian Journal of Photography (NJP).
While the photographers are Norwegian, their work is international and the images presents both international and local subjects. The exhibition reflects a great diversity of documentary expressions, both in the field of photographic photography and in contemporary art and all projects presented in the exhibition are the result of dedicated photographic research over time, made possible through support from the Fritt Ord Foundation and the NJP. The exhibtion presents a wide range of expressions, forms of work and themes. Overall, the exhibition offers several ways of seeing and understanding the events and situations that shape the world we live in today.
In conjunction to the exhibition Norwegian Documentary Photography at Høvikodden, the fourth publication in the series NJP will be published.